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A Star in the Making

Updated: Oct 7, 2022

By Olivia Pierce, Staff Writer.

Webster dictionary defines a leader as a person who has commanding force or influence. If you ask any member of the Portage High School football team, they will tell you that person is Colton Wilkie.

When asked about leadership, Wilkie’s teammate ,Terrell Craft, says, “Colton is our QB1. He is the guy who keeps this team together. He really cares a lot about the sport, and I love getting to play with him. He is the ultimate leader of this team “

Mark Calmbacher and Mason Cruse agree. “Colton is the leader”, says Mark. Mason adds, “No doubt Wilkie is the only guy we need to look to for leadership”.

In the eyes of the football team, Colton Wilkie is the one they all look up to. His position as quarterback is the single most respected position in the whole game. He is able to make the decision of the entire offensive line. Having the ability to control all the plays and control all the teams movement is not an easy task. Outside of using his running backs and wide receivers, Wilkie is also one of the team's main ball carriers. Over the course of the first few games, Wilkie has scored over five touchdowns alone.

Colton’s drive is what sets him apart from the rest of the team. According to Colton's mom, Lori Wilkie, “Colton fell in love with football at a very early age. When he was 5 years old, Colton started playing Pop Warner and it just lit a fire in him. He’s played offense, he’s played defense. Football is his passion and his soul and he’s loved playing it his whole life.” Lori also says that Colton holds himself to very high standards. “Colton strives to do his best at everything. He takes his grades and football very seriously.” When asked what impresses her most about her son, Lori says Colton is selfless and always puts others first. “Whether it’s helping get his grandmother in & out of the car or helping out in the community. He is thoughtful, loving and caring.” It is obvious that Colton was raised by an incredible mom that has instilled good values & morals in his upbringing.

Sidelined with an injury on September 9th, it hasn’t stopped Colton’s teammates from seeking him out on the sidelines for advice and encouragement. The team flocks to him. Sure, he’s funny and a great person to be around, but ultimately, his leadership is what they look for. He has been a huge cheerleader for his backup quarterback Kodie Young. Kodie has a ton of confidence for a freshman, and Colton is making sure his team knows that even though he is out for a couple of weeks, he is definitely backing Kodie Young on the field. Who knows? Maybe once Colton returns, he could be taking passes from Young down field.

After recovering, Colton’s mom is happy she gets to see her son playing wide receiver again before the year is over. “Colton loves playing wide receiver but he’s a team player and will play any position where the team needs him”. And that statement exemplifies exactly why Colton Wilkie is the leader of our PHS football team.

Colton Wilkie with his family and Spanish teacher Mrs. Krause.

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