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Ask Ms. Evans: Building Relationships

Dear Emily Evans,

I am a freshman that is new to the Portage district. I am really shy and quiet in all of my classes. Coming to a new school, becoming a high schooler, and not having any friends to help me through it has been hard on me. Do you have any advice on how I can build relationships with other kids my age?

Fear not, new freshman!

It might feel like you're alone on an island, but the secret is that over half of the students in the building feel the same way that you do. Making friends gets harder as you get older, don't you miss the days where you just joined a game at recess and instantly had a new bff?

One of my favorite ways to start developing relationships in high school is to start talking to the other students in your class about academics. Everyone has the assignment that you have, so it's already something you have in common. High school classes are definitely more intense than the ones you took in middle school, and it's a lot easier to say "hey, do you wanna meet up and work on this project/homework?" than it is to straight up ask someone to be your friend.

Another thing that would definitely help is staying after school for a club or sport call-out meeting. At the beginning of the year, every club gets new members so you will not be the only new person in the room! PHS students are pretty lucky because we have so many clubs and sports, there is a good chance that you'll be able to find something that is at least vaguely interesting to you.

I know it's scary and exhausting to meet so many new people, but if you can take a breath and remember that everyone feels just as awkward as you do, you'll be just fine!

Do you have a question for Ms. Evans?

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