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PHS Passion For Art

By Cathy Blankenship, Editor-in-Chief

Portage High School’s art department has been hard at work this school year. From video editing to comic strips, their instructor and art department head, Mr. Adam Farster is very proud of them. He shared his story behind his passion for art with the POW WOW.

Farster has been a professional illustrator and graphic artist for more than 20 years, and has been teaching at PHS for 5 years.

“I wanted to provide a different take on art. I wanted to offer opportunities to learn visual storytelling, design, animation, and game development,” Farster said.

He has had an affection for art for a very long time. Almost as if it was destined for him to be sharing his passion with PHS students.

“When I was a kid I loved drawing but was influenced by comic books and animation,” he explained.

Although Farster is devoted to all aspects of his job, his favorite is comics. He loves teaching comics since it was what got him into art in the first place. He also favors using photoshop the most in his classes.

Past and current students had all good things to say about Farster. Senior Brianna Anderson has had Farster as a teacher for all four years of high school. She says that Farster’s honesty makes him special.

“If something isn’t good he will tell you. Which was helpful in bettering myself as an artist and as a human because I know how to take criticism now,” Brianna said.

Right now, the art students are working on video editing, video game design, and comic strips. Some of their art will soon be featured on the POW WOW homepage to show their efforts! Keep at the hard work Mr. Farster and his students!

If you were a part of Mr. Farster's art classes this semester and would like to have your art featured on the POW WOW, send them in!

Brianna Anderson's latest work in Mr. Farster's art class.
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